Sounds Of Leap

The Leadership and English Advancement Program brings Afghan students to India for a 3 week immersive camp. Here, they share stories they created during the program.

Krerorero - Mori/english Bilingual Podcast

Krerorero is a bilingual podcast for learners and enthusiasts of Te Reo Mori.

Learn English With Adriana In The #usingenglishtp Podcast

Learn English with Adriana in The #UsingEnglishTP podcast! The #UsingEnglishTP Podcast is an English learning resource designed to teach you REAL English, just as native English...

Born For Language Podcast

We're All Destined For Language Learning

Speak English Now By Vaughan

Speak English Now! By VaughanEn este curso aprenderás inglés situacional; estudiarás la gramática y el vocabulario que necesitas para enfrentarte a todo tipo de situaciones....

Today's French - French Hour

Everyday French Every Day Find a new exercise to improve your French every day on FRENCH HOUR.


Today I'm going to speak about discrimnation and help you learn more about.

Real-life Korean Conversations For Beginners

Learn to speak natural Korean by listening to real-life Korean conversations. This podcast is based on the popular book of the same title by, world's largest...

2 Minutes Chinese (mandarin)

"2MinutesChinese(Mandarin)" is a two to three minutes podcast to teach you Mandarin. There are two parts of each episode, one sentence comes from daily life, the other sentence...

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